And today, out of all days out of the year, we as a nation, remember together, why we fight to be free.
Turn on the tv...the radio...open up an internet browser...walk outside and see the flag being proudly displayed, and you can't help but remember. None of us will ever forget what happened that day that took the lives of thousands of our brothers and sisters of this nation and devastated our country. We were all affected and for a brief time, we were in all senses of the word, UNITED! And even though we were riding a wave of disaster, we hung tight to each other and to our love for our country. I think its important to remember today, not to be dramatic...but because real people lost their live, and still do, everday, because our country is free and we fight for that freedom.
We are in the midst of a big election, with many promises and proclamations for change have been made. I, too, hope that there is change...for the better. One thing I pray, is that this blessed nation, one that I believe is "under God", will continue to be just that: Blessed.
Have mercy, O Lord, upon all the nations of the earth; have mercy upon the rulers of our land; may those principles, which were so honorably and nobly defended, namely, the Constitution of our land, by our fathers, be established forever."~D&C 109:54
May God bless this nation of which you and I are a part. Bless her leaders that they may rise above pettiness and live after the tradition of the Founding Fathers. Bless our industry that it may benefit all mankind. Bless our science that out of it may come health and happiness for the peoples of the earth. Bless the people of this nation, you, every one of you, and me, and all who walk beneath its glorius flag with gratitude and appreciation, with respect and reverence, as well as with love." (Stand A Little Taller; Gordon B. Hinckley)
I pray that whoever is elected to lead our country is one that will preserve the essence of what America is and love her more than themselves. I am so grateful for the country I live in and hope that I can work hard to do my part to make change for the better and ensure that our freedoms remain.
Lastly, I was thinking about these words today...and how long its been since I've said them, and how much longer than that, that its been since I've thought about what they truly mean...I pray that we never forget. I know it has been since changed, but this is how I remember it:
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all."
God Bless America, and God be with those who lost loved ones, seven years ago today in the tragic events that took place that September morning.
1 comment:
I was watching the history channel on the 11th and used almost the whole box of tissues. Then I was reading this post and finished off the tissues.
I love this country and feel so grateful for those protecting the very reason why I love it so much.
Thank you for this post.
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