This is an open blog, to any and all that would like to share their thoughts on ways that you find strength throughout life.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Open Your Ears

I wasn't sure if I was going to post today or not...I don't even think this blog has even had any visitors yet, but like I mentioned in my reasoning for this blog, is that a big part of it is for me to ponder and reflect, and I do that best with words. So, even if I'm just writing to myself, here is my thought.

I decided yesterday after I looked in the book Standing a Little Taller that I would like to actually use it for its purpose and read the thought of the day each morning. Again, what I found was in perfect alignment with where my mind was already heading for the next post. I will write the quote, and then explain what I mean...

Above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. -Colossians 3:14
Caring for others, seeing and teaching beyond our own wants and comforts, cultivating kindness and gentility towards others from all of life's situations and circumstances- these are the essense of civility, a virtue to be admired, a virtue to be acquired."- Gordon B. Hinckley
Okay, so my "sister-friend" has sort of inspired my thought process. She was telling me the other day about an experience she had at an activity class that she takes her child to. There was a woman there, a very young, very cute, very stylish girl, who had just had her second baby...and looked like she'd never even had a baby in the first place. Yeah ladies, you know the kind. The perfect looking ones that no matter of belly stretching puts a stretchmark on them, and their stomach is flat as they leave the hospital. Lucky gals. Anyway, so my "sister-friend" at first was unsure whether or not this woman would be snobby. Now, do not think badly of my "sister-friend"...what she thought was human nature, and despite her fears or pre-judgements, they began to talk and my "sister-friend" found that they had a lot to talk about. So, long story short, after their class one day, this woman is leaving, and my "sister-friend" can tell that she is really flustered with her toddler and her newborn. My "sister-friend" can absolutely relate, because she has two herself and had been through that stage. So, she quickly goes up to them before she leaves and asks her if she has any help during the day. She says that she doesn't, and my "sister-friend" says, "Well, would you like me to take (can't remember her little girls name, toddler age) ever during the day to give you a break, and she can play with (my "sister-friends" toddler)?" She said the woman looked so shocked and relieved that someone would offer that. She absolutely accepted and they exchanged phone numbers.
The reason this story inspired me, is because we never ever know what anyone else is dealing with in life. We have no idea how good or bad things may be, and sometimes the Spirit speaks to us, if we are listening, and helps us decipher those who we might be able to help. Thus, I titled this post "Open Your Ears", because, in a way we have to spiritually open our eyes, which really means listen for the Spirit to prompt us.
I swear we are living through a mini-depression right now, with the potential to become a full blown one. Every where you turn people are losing jobs, homes, everything. Not to mention, it seems like cancer and disease run rampant, as well as crime and murder. I hate to watch the news...its depressing. Every day there is controversy and deceit. Rumors of cheating Olympians...politicians back biting one another. Don't even get me started on all the different political issues arising that deal with moral and family issues. This is not a political blog, and if I start writing about that, I might not be able to stop. My point is, everywhere we turn there are those that are in need. And if you look at it from all angles, we each have a blessing that someone else doesn't have. While your neighbor may have money, they may have just gone through a divorce or lost a loved one. While you may have lost your job, maybe you just passed someone in the store that is about to lose their home. And because times are so hard, its easy and even understandable for us to draw inward and focus on our own problems. After all, our lives have problems too. And sometimes its all we have in us to even try to focus on those.
But President Hinckley's words inspire me, that "Civility is a virtue...a virtue to be admired, a virtue to be acquired." The scripture in Colossians describes charity as "the bond of perfectness". Which is what we are striving for in this life.
I am so incredibly blessed in my life. So much, that I fell to my knees last night in prayer, and could not contain the over flow of tears that fell, when I began to think of my overwhelming abundance of blessings. And to know as others suffer, that I am blessed so, makes me feel completely inadequate. But, in answer to my plea of gratitude, I felt a reassurance of the things I am to do with those blessings in my life. The responsibilities that come with those blessings are real and the Lord wills us to use those blessings to touch others.
I pray that the Lord can "open my ears" so to speak, so that I may be able to develop the "charity and civility" that I need to be an instrument in His hands.


RachelBarker said...

I love this blog and will continue to read it! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings, they will go along way for the good.
I try to always remember that "you just don't know" with people that you cross paths with. Everyone has a story and the best thing for me to try to do is acts of kindness. Thanks for allowing me to have this thought through out the day to ponder. And continue to refresh my mind and heart with it.
Loved seeing you last night :)

Sara Marie said...

Beautiful, inspiring post. You're so right that we never really know (I always think about how nobody really knew what was going on in my life, not even you, one of my very best friends). Sometimes it is easy to look and judge and think people dont have any problems. But the reality is that everyone has problems. Some big some small. I have found that as I deal with my own set of problems nothing blesses me more than serving others. I needed a good reminder of that. This post was the reminder I needed. I truly know that as we serve others we are blessed in our own lives. I dont know if I have ever told you the story of what brought me back to church. But a very big part of it happened when I was taking care of my Grandmother. I'll tell you about it sometime if you’re interested, but long story short, in many ways I felt like although the service I was doing was for no other reason but to help my Grandmother, ultimately I was the one reaping so many of the blessings through the spirit it brought back into my life. I need to learn to be more serving and have more charity and have my "ears open" to the promptings of those opportunities. Thanks for starting this beautiful blog!

Marc and Stacy said...
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Marc and Stacy said...
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Finding Strength said...

I must thank YOU for YOUR words. Because seriously, you are an inspiration to me. Everything that you've been through, and I know that you have dealt with people judging your situation, and how you can have such an amazing spirit of forgiveness is awe inspiring. You have told me the story of taking care of your grandma, but I'd love to be reminded the details. I think its so important to take that little bit of extra time, because like you said, while you think you are helping someone else, actually you are reaping major benefits.
I hope you always comment with your thoughts...thats really why I started this blog, because I need positive reminders like this and Gospel discussion in my life! Thanks for helping with that!

You too are one of the most inspiring people I've met. Seriously, I don't think you do anything for yourself without thinking what someone else needs. You have taught me a huge lesson in not judging others and being Christlike, and I'm so grateful for that example in my life.
Thank you for sharing your testimony with me...I'm sad we don't get to have discussions like this every morning like we used to, but maybe this blog will help us be able to have that type of discussion more often! It was so fun to spend time with you guys Saturday. We miss you!

Dave and Courtney said...

This is something I struggle with, however the few times I have acted on proptings from the spirt to have a conversation or even a quick hello I am truley blessed. Some of my most cherished experiences in my life are connected to sharing the gospel with a good friends. Thank you doing this blog, it really puts me in a great mindset for the rest of the day!