I think its important to laugh and have humor in our lives. In Stand A Little Taller, it says:
A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance.- Proverbs 15:13
We need to have a little humor in our lives. We better take seriously that which should be taken seriously, but at the same time we can bring in a touch of humor now and again. If the time ever comes when we can't smile at ourselves, it will be a sad time."-Gordon B. Hinckley
I was raised in a family of very funny, witty people. I then married into a family of very funny and witty people. Humor is a big part of my life. I have learned to laugh at myself and I think its a good thing. I can be a klutz, and a ditz, and I think its good to be able to laugh things off and make fun of yourself every once in a while.
It's important that we remember that we need to, as President Hinckley says, take the serious things seriously, but we need to allow ourselves the joy that is humor. After all, "...men are, that they might have joy."-2 Nephi 2:25.
I found an article by a BYU Professor, Gary K. Palmer: Teaching Professor of Recreation Management and Youth Leadership. He talked of the power of laughter. He told personal story about finding humor in his own stressful situations.
"One Sunday in sacrament meeting, my four-year-old son was making a major disturbance. After several minutes of trying to calm him down, I picked him up, tucked him under my arm like a sack of potatoes, and headed for the nearest exit. Shocked by the sudden departure, my son looked up at me and said, “Hey, Dad, where we goin’?” His innocent comment caught me by surprise and defused my anger instantly. He had no idea he was in trouble. He thought we were going out to play."
Children are great examples of finding the simple humor in life. Sometimes, I think we all need to just RELAX a little, and laugh. It's healthy for you. For "a merry heart doeth good like a medicine,” says Proverbs 7:22 .
Brother Palmers talk gives some great references to this:
"Studies show that humor and laughter help people live longer, happier lives; be more creative and productive; and have more energy with less physical discomfort.
*Humor reduces stress, fear, intimidation, embarrassment, and anger.
*Laughter also has extraordinary healing power.
*When a person laughs, blood pressure decreases, heart rate and respiration increase, the body releases endorphins, and depression declines.
*After the laughter subsides and you relax again, that good feeling has a lasting effect, even until the next day.Not many medicines will do that."
A study also referenced in Brother Palmers talk states that "On average, children laugh 400 times a day, while adults laugh about 15 times." Personally, I think I could use 385 more laughs to get me through my day. Maybe I need to start taking cues from my toddler, and instead of getting upset when she comes in covered with my make-up, just grab my camera and laugh.
So, that is my challenge to myself, and anyone else who wants to do it. To laugh more today; to laugh more everyday. To find the simple humors that make this life so enjoyable.
I agree. It's so important to laugh! Kids find the silliest things funny and it's hard for me to find the same things funny, but I wish that I would. Great post!
I'm so glad you found my blog. This post was definitely put to test the same day when Montana decided to finger paint everywhere with her pudding. I just had to laugh. One of the fondest things I think of about our friendship is how much we would laugh! It's an important part of a friendship and I appreciate that! Thanks for your comment!
My favorite emotion is laughter through crying. You know what I mean, Like you've been upset and crying but then someone says something more light hearted and funny you just start to crack-up laughing. It feels so good! We all need a little comic relief now and then. I am having a very frustrating day today... we need to talk...I need to vent...but anyway, I was all upset and then Ryder said something funny with a funny look on his face and it was just what I needed to laugh. One of my favorite things about Pres. Hinkley was his great sense of humor.
Oh, and by the way, that's my favorite part of Marry Poppins! I used to wish so bad I could do that when I was a kid!
My favorite emotion is laughter through crying. You know what I mean, Like you've been upset and crying but then someone says something more light hearted and funny you just start to crack-up laughing. It feels so good! We all need a little comic relief now and then. I am having a very frustrating day today... we need to talk...I need to vent...but anyway, I was all upset and then Ryder said something funny with a funny look on his face and it was just what I needed to laugh. One of my favorite things about Pres. Hinkley was his great sense of humor.
Oh, and by the way, that's my favorite part of Marry Poppins! I used to wish so bad I could do that when I was a kid!
Humour is an element that adds spice to life and without which may be life would have been very difficult to spend. But contrary to what many people believe, http://www.besthealthmed.com/humour.html humour is not all about smiling and laughing, though it caters to these fields mainly. Humour is actually the capability to see the lighter side of life, sometimes even in a serious environment. But this lighter view of life should be done intelligently. Slapstick humour is no humour at all, it is just trash.
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